Engineering & Consulting
Electronics, Telecommunications, System technology, ...
Optoelectronics, Photonics, Optics, Display technology, ...
Industrial applications, Sensors, Measurement instrumentation, Bighting systems, ...
- Product development and conception / technical advisory
- Project management in interdisciplinary development projects
- Development of technical system concepts
- Technical research and feasibility studies
- Innovation management
- Innovation! (legally transferable inventions on request)
- Methods of strategic product planning
- Corporate consulting regarding product technology and product strategy
- Strategic management, marketing strategy, marketing communication
- Market- and trend analysis
- Technical due-diligence (e.g. for venture capital investors)
- Company building during start-up and reorganisation
- Process Optimization
- Interim management
- Scenarios
- Delphi
- Portfolios
- Moderations
Note: most methods are applicable sector-independently! E.g. in the fields of media, internet, biotech, chemistry, banks, insurances, automotive, aviation...
- Investors:
All kinds of investors who need technical expertise in combination with entrepreneurship (business angles, venture capital firms, accelerators and incubators, buyers of companies, founders). - Startup Companies:
Financially sound or struggling startups in need for turnaround management, interim management or technical solutions. - Management Consulting:
Alle Arten von Unternehmen (KMU und größere Unternehmen), die nach Zukunftssicherheit & Stabilisierung durch innovative Strategien, Veränderungsmanagement und Prozessoptimierung streben.
Two extensive book chapters on the topic:
Innovation management for Successful Development and Marketing of optical and electrical Connectors [German]
In the book "Steckverbinder II", G. Knoblauch, Expert Verlag.
For more information and table of contents (250 KB)
Ordering the book
For example via Expert Verlag or Amazon.
Presentations at conferences and other publications:
Hybrid Connectors with POF
Trends, Areas of application, Innovation Options [German]
17. Expert group meeting of the ITG-FG 5.4.1 in VDE / IMM in Mainz, 05.11.2003.
Hybrid Connectors with POF (1.2 MB)
Szenario technique
Future scenarios: Determining, evaluating and planning of ICT building networks, applications and product decisions using scenario technique. [German]
19. Expert group meeting of the ITG-FG 5.4.1 in VDE / R&M AG in Zurich, 08.03.2005.
Szenario technique (currently not available)
Critical Success Factor (CSF) Analysis for the Establishment of Home Networks using Plastic Optical Fiber
21. Expert group meeting of the ITG-FG 5.4.1 in VDE / bfe in Oldenburg, 12.05.2006.
Quo Vadis?
Possible directions of development of hybrid connectors [German]
Technical article in Elektronik Journal – Issue: 02 / 2007
Quo Vadis? Possible directions of development of hybrid connectors [German] (300 KB)
Originaltext: Due to a lack of space not everything could be reprinted in "Elektronik JOURNAL", so the unchanged original text is made available in the following.
Metaphysics of Hybrid Connection Technology
Innovation Management: The future of hybrid Connectors, Trends and Market Laws [German]
Original text of the article:
Opening of Innovation Processes for Technology Companies [German]
Tandem lecture
22. Dortmund MST-Seminar of the MST.factory / TZDO in Dortmund, 15.12.2010.
Invitation 22. MST.factory / TZDO, Dortmund, Seminar (900 KB)
Original presentation – with additional collection of links in the annex:
Address / Contact
Knoll – Engineering & Consulting
Ralf Knoll, Dipl.-Phys. Ing., M.Sc., Psych. Counsellor
No postal address. Please do not send us any mail on paper basis. Authorized: see imprint.
Phone: +49 8167 / 69 61 – 20
Fax: +49 8167 / 69 61 – 21
Mobile: +49 179 / 62 16 – 781

Ralf Knoll
Management Consultant
Innovation and Change Manager
Listed in:
Bayern International – Schlüsseltechnologien in Bayern
Innovationsmethoden WiPro • Experten • (RWTH Aachen, TIM – Technology and Innovation Management Group)
Current and former memberships or close relationships:
SPIE, international society for optics and photonics, Bellingham, WA
OSA, Optical Society of America, Washington DC
AIP, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY
IOP, Institute of Physics, London, UK,
Germany: Munich Network, VDI, VDE (ITG, GMM, GMA) IfKom, GPM, QRC Coaching Peergroup